23 January 2008

rest in peace

I was going to post a somewhat disgruntled rant about Christian Unity week in regards to my alma mater and how the Christians there celebrate it...but yesterday, a music professor from there died, and I feel the need to put aside the other post for this one. I never had her for a class, interacted with her only briefly in the hallways of the music building...but I still feel the loss. I had several friends in the music department, and all spoke highly of her. Death is hard, no matter who it is or what the connection is to them. Even Heath Ledger...I feel for his friends and family, and wonder what it is that caused him to die so young. I haven't been emotional or anything (I don't feel like I have the connection to be that way), but it is a sobering moment that makes you think about our own mortality.

But it's been good to have an outlet for those feelings with the play. On stage, I can let it all go, and just be crazy and get into whatever we're working on. I know my acting has a long way to go, but I've felt lots of improvement within myself. And I genuinely enjoy working with the cast and the relationships that we've developed. It will be difficult to move on after this play, letting it go as I settle into the new semester and the new schedule and not seeing the same people every single day. I hate saying goodbyes...but it will need to happen, if only so new opportunities and relationships can arise.

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