31 August 2008

Nothing brings about a good random post...

...like the need to write/finish a sermon.

Yes, I am preaching the new student orientation chapel on Tuesday; thus, I am updating my slightly neglected blog.

Today in children's church we talked about Moses and the burning bush. To get the kids thinking about the story, I got them to imagine how they would feel if they were Moses at certain parts of the story, and show me with their facial expressions. When I first mentioned the bush, most had looks of fear. But one boy in the back had a big grin on his face. I asked him why, and he said, "I could roast marshmellows over it!"

Roasting marshmellows over the burning bush. Good one, kid :o)

19 August 2008

"it's a rainforest adventure...a tree top Bible blast!"

I've been neglecting this blog a bit...so much to write about, and no time to write! But here's a little something...

Yesterday was my birthday. And what better way to spend your birthday than have the opening night of VBS?

Yes, I worked on my birthday. A lot. But it actually ended up being a really good day.

The reason for my post? To showcase some of the AMAZING VBS decorations that we have this year. Our theme is "Rainforest Adventure," and a few of our ladies have transformed the fellowship hall into an actual rainforest...

The entrance

The registration area

The cave to get to the rain forest

The rain forest!

And I didn't even post pictures of everything...isn't it awesome?!? So creative, and so under budget!! Guess who I'm recruiting for fall festival decorations this year... ;o)

02 August 2008

a full year in the states

It has been a full year since I returned from South Africa. Wow.

So much has happened in the past year that it seems like a lifetime ago. Yet I still remember the faces and the voices and the places so clearly.

My time in Johannesburg changed me. A lot. And through that experience and the processing afterwards (the processing that still continues today), I've realized a lot about myself and life in general...

*I have no fear of traveling now. Go on a mission trip overseas? Okay! I have a comfort level in other cultures and among other peoples.
*I require introvert time, even if it's just a nap. Though I love people and I love new situations, I get overwhelmed when I don't have a chance to take a break and be by myself for a little bit.
*Shower time = sacred time. No shower = a big adjustment.
*Germs? What germs?
*I am a selfish person who doesn't fully appreciate everything she has.
*I have the tendency to shut myself off emotionally and distance myself from others. This can prevent building relationships with others and truly ministering to them.
*I adore children. Even if they're naughty.
*Some of the most sacred moments come out of the most ordinary things.
*Laughter can bridge any cultural or language barrier.
*No amount of training or education can ever teach you to love fully and unconditionally. That's just something you have to learn on your own.
*Communication with those you love is incredibly important.
*You can cook almost anything in a skillet.
*Massive amounts of food are overrated. Yet we in America succumb to it every day.
*High fructose corn syrup is gross.
*Transition is very very difficult. And it's okay to admit that.
*I still miss it. A lot. Even though I know this is where I'm supposed to be right now.
*Missions isn't about bringing Christ to others. It's about going to others, loving them, and recognizing how Christ is already in their midst.
*Ministry is where my heart is.