21 September 2007

the journey

A wise man once told me, "In ministry, there is no settling." Settling as in settling down, staying in one place.

And at this moment, that thought terrifies me. Thinking about my call to ministry, where I might be called next. God called Abraham to just pack up and leave, and he followed. The Israelites kept walking towards that promised land, for 40 years! I can understand why they wanted to turn back...it's safer, more comfortable, being in a place you know with people you know.

It's difficult...a lot of what I see as important in ministry and in my faith journey is relational. Relationships with others, being the body of Christ, building up a community. But if I'm always having to say goodbye, why invest myself in the first place?

I know, I know...relationships are beneficial and meaningful, no matter how long they last. And I shouldn't let the potential of leaving take away from developing them in the here and now. It's just...when you leave a piece of your heart in each place...at some point don't you run out of pieces to give out?

Intellectually, I understand it all. And I can see how God uses every step of the journey. But sometimes...I just wish it didn't have to be that way.

Whoever says ministry is easy is lying.

(Granted, this post is very mood-oriented...next week I may be thrilled about the adventure of so many different things...)

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