07 April 2008

calming down

Things have settled down a little bit around the seminary here. It's still tough, but I'll make it. We'll all make it.

I've come to realize how much of a support system I have here. The ministers I work with have been amazing - checking to make sure I'm okay, helping me process, even fighting for me with some scholarship mess that has popped up. And people at school have called to check on me, or made a point to ask how I'm doing - really doing. There's something...comforting?...in having a friend look you in the eye and ask how you're doing, knowing that they want the true answer, even if it's bad. We're all working through this transitional time in our own ways, and helping each other through it as well. Which I really appreciate.

First year chapel is this week. I'm preaching. Yikes! Though I must admit - it's been kinda fun to plan the service...

1 comment:

Joe said...

it's the practice of a real understanding of community. We are all suffering down the same road, changing in some many ways. While we are all at different places in that journey, we are together in the fact that we are in seminary and that experience itself is enough to tie everyone in.