18 January 2008


Bopping through the blog world last night, I came across some interesting information about women's education. According to projections in Reason Magazine, women will be the more educated gender by 2017. The article makes several good insights about how this will change the way our society is shaped, creating a matriarchy of sorts. To be honest, I don't even know what that would look like.

Then Al Mohler put in his two cents about the article. Of course, he said some things that irritated me about how it is contrary to the "biblical worldview" and "rightly ordered family and church."

But he did make a good point (oh dear, I actually agree with something Al Mohler said): where are the men? I applaud and appreciate women stepping forward and seizing opportunities, overturning the old stereotypes. But as women are progressing farther and farther in education, why are the men stepping back? How did this trend start? And where are they going?

Frankly, the idea of matriarchy scares me a bit. I don't want for one gender to dominate another; I want equality. My roommate pointed out that it wouldn't necessarily be like the harmful patriarchy of the past. Don't get me wrong - I am thrilled about women taking on more leadership in all different aspects of society. But still...some feminists take it too far, and purposely degrade men in their efforts. That's not what it's all about. You don't empower women by pushing down everyone else around them. You lift them up, set them on equal footing with men.

I'm tired of "girls rule, boys drool." Why does it always have to be a dichotomy - us versus them? Will it ever even out? Or am I just too idealistic and hopeful?

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