12 September 2007

I found out today that my second cousin died. He was 32. Dropped dead, and they don't know why. Hopefully the autopsy will give them some clues.

I didn't know him that well, but he's family. So there was a connection there on some level. And he left behind a wife and stepson. I want to feel sad...and I do a little...but I've processed so much over the past few weeks that I can barely process anymore.

It's one of those things that reminds you how fragile life really is. How quickly it can all end. And that scares me sometimes, to think that I'm not invincible. I mean, I know I'm not, but I like to think that I've got at least 60 years ahead of me. It's probably selfish of me, but it's true. There are so many things I want to do, to experience...

RIP Brent.

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