18 March 2008

hmmm, more politics

Obama (and his speechwriters) sure can write a speech. I've been more than a little annoyed by all the focus that has been placed on Rev. Wright and his inflammatory comments. It's pretty ridiculous how people have made this such an issue.

But I applaud Obama and his ability to stand before the nation and acknowledge the racial struggle and divide that still exists in this country. After my time in SA, I've seen the gap much more clearly, and it has bothered me more and more. As a nation, we've never fully worked through the inequality and injustice. And the way to start that process is to start talking about it, beyond private conversations among closed company. Obama is right - until we can truly come together, many inequalities and injustices don't stand a chance of being righted.

We are still suffering from the poor decisions of our ancestors. We live in a broken system. But maybe, just maybe, we can work together to make things a little better, both in this nation and around the world.

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