07 November 2007

hello CBF

Tonight, the church where I am employed voted to affiliate officially with the CBF. Not sever ties with the SBC, just add CBF to the list of affiliates. It was nerve wracking to say the least. As a woman looking to go into the ministry (most likely with ordination as a part of that process), this was an important decision for me personally. From here on out, I cannot be a part of a church that will not support me in following wherever God may lead, which basically means within the Baptist tradition, it has to be CBF. If the church had voted this down...I would have been extremely uncomfortable remaining there.

Really, it was a loud minority that was against it. And there was a degree of unprofessionalism in their efforts to stop the change from passing. I stood outside the doorway, listening to all the comments and questions being made, partially because I did not trust my facial expressions to hide my true feelings, but also because I am not an official member and cannot vote. As they called for the vote, I stood there, whispering, "Dear Jesus, please let it pass" and gripping the edge of the door for support. It was close, but it passed.

I'm still coming off of the adrenaline rush. I should be elated at the fact that this passed, but the mixture of so many emotions following that meeting have drained me a bit. I tried really hard not to take it all personally, because I know it's not about me...but as a woman, it still is personal on some level. I've been fortunate to grow up in a household and family that respected and encouraged God's call in my own life (thanks to my ordained aunt), and I guess this was my first real encounter with steadfast opposition to women in ministry. Yes, I've met individuals who have disagreed with it before, but when it comes to a church vote, it's a much more powerful thing. But again, this was a loud minority. The majority of this church does support me and other women, and the constitution now shows that in black and white, with the addition of three words. And now that they have done this, it will be much harder to turn back.

An historic moment in the life of this church...may they continue to move forward.


Anonymous said...


As you pursue God's call in your life American Baptists are also very supportive of women in ministry and you'd be welcome with us, of course that probably means leaving the south.

David Hardin

Erin said...

David, thank you for that clarification...I haven't a clue where God will lead me, but it is reassuring to know that there are other groups out there who support women in ministry!