20 October 2007

quick entry before bed

Tonight, I had a long hang out/catch up session with my college roommate. We lived together for three years, and you don't realize how much someone has become a part of your life until they're not around all the time. We would do crazy things together, or complain about drama in our lives, or just process things out loud to the other person. In those three years, we showed our good and bad sides...and made it out without killing each other and still remaining friends. And from that, there's an openness in that relationship where we can still sit and talk about anything...from deep and heavy stuff to random silly jokes that only we find funny. No judging, just an acceptance of who the other person is and enjoying the time together.

I admit, I haven't really felt like myself this past week. But tonight a part of me came back...maybe because I finally felt like I didn't have to pretend. I just...was me.

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