11 August 2007


Re-entry after an experience in a foreign country is interesting.

There's about a week of the "honeymoon," where you're excited to see everyone and they're excited to see you. You catch up with people and swap stories.

Then the excitement wears off. And you still feel different. Because while you were out there having your adventures, they were doing their own things. Relationships have changed; common bonds have been formed by common experiences. But you haven't had that common experience, so you feel a gap. Plus, you've been changed by your own time away, and it can be hard trying to get back into "normal life," because for you, there really is no such thing as normal again. And let's not forget reverse culture shock.

Plus there are so many changes going on in my life right now, it's hard to absorb it all. It's an odd place to be in right now...very much in a liminal state.

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