19 July 2008

thank you, sir

I drove out to my hometown today for a funeral (a sweet, sweet older man from my old church passed away suddenly after an unexpected stroke). While stopped at a stoplight, I was seized by a particularly vain and self-absorbed moment and started checking on my hair in the rearview mirror. (In my defense - I rarely straighten my hair in the summer, so I wanted to make sure it was still behaving itself).

Having finished, I glanced over at the car next to me, where a man with a cigarette in his hand was waving at me. When he saw he had my attention, he gave me a smile and a thumbs up, as if to say, "don't worry, you look good!" We both started laughing; the light turned green and we drove our separate ways.

But as I drove down the road, I continued to smile, for the small joy that man had brought to my life.

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