23 October 2007

quote time

Thought I would share a few quotes from my classes today...and there's really no connection between the two:

"You do not break the Ten Commandments. They break you." ~my Hebrew prof.
...I don't have time to type out the context of that one, but wow. It is a profound statement, and the explanation really makes you think about your approach to "biblical law." It's kinda the perspective I've been developing on my own, and it's nice to have some academic background to defend my changing views...

"My back-up costume for Halloween every year is Jael. I can't think of anyone scarier than that." ~Foundations prof.
...just thought that was funny! Judges 4 for the full story...

On another unrelated note, watch what you ask God for. Recognize the need to have patience with a certain person? Next thing you know, they're plopped down in your life in some way where you have to interact with them regularly. Funny, God, real funny...

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